Actress for comedy sketch. SUNDAY
2025-01-26 Morning/Day
Only respond if you're available this date.
We are looking for an actress, from any country, fluent in english, who enjoys comedy and would like to do a cinematic sketch for a web comedy series.
No Pay - Fika & Lunch - Filming in Solna.
All potential cast will be asket do respond with a short clip of some lines.
Only respond if you're available this date.
We are looking for an actress, from any country, fluent in english, who enjoys comedy and would like to do a cinematic sketch for a web comedy series.
No Pay - Fika & Lunch - Filming in Solna.
All potential cast will be asket do respond with a short clip of some lines.
Plats: Solna
Kategori: Statister
Ålder: 20 - 35 år
Publicerad: 23/1
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